Monday, October 27, 2008


Yes, that's right, I am in love with this man in uniform! After a long day at Cornbelley's I wanted a picture of Max in his uniform to put on the BLOG, only thing is Max was camera shy for some strange reason so he made me get in it with him. Max started his job at the county jail and he is loving it! He will graduate from the Academy this Thursday! I am so proud of Max and I know that this is something that he has always wanted to do. It has just taken him along time to talk me into letting him do it! This is also the first winter that he won't be working outside and he couldn't be happier about that! The boys think that it he is the coolest Dad ever cause he is a cop! We are all so proud of him for all that he has done for us!


anniebugs said...

Congratulations on your new job. Hopefully we will be getting a new job in a few weeks after Travis graduates as well. :)

Lindsey said...

WAHOO! Tell Max I said "CONGRATS BUDDY" So HAPPY for you guys! Love ya!

Stacy Johnson said...

I have to admit your man looks good in a uniform!! lol! Tell Max that I am so happy for him! I am so glad that he finally has a job he loves!

Amy Lou said...

Congrats Max!

annie said...

its so wierd to see him in the uniform. its like i forget that he does that for a living now?! i'm glad he finally talked you into it becky :)

Emily said...

Yeah for Max! He looks great in his uniform. I am so happy for you guys. And yes, let's try to go out this coming Saturday...that would be so much fun.

Jared & Emily said...

That's so awesome! I miss your family, I love your kids! And you of course!

Diana said...

Way to go and fulfill a dream, there, Max! I'm happy that he'll get to spend the winter indoors this year!