Thursday, December 18, 2008


Wow it has been a while since my last post. Life has been good and crazy. Halloween was so much fun! Kenzie, Spencer and Mason were all Boxers and Sydnee was a Dead Bride! The school does a parade every year and each class walks around the school to show their costumes. They all looked so cute. We all had fun at the Shop Trick or Treat and the ward Trunk or Treat! I think they have enough candy to last a year!
Thanksgiving was at our house this year. We had a lot of fun with my family. The food was awesome and Alison made the best rolls ever! After we ate we went bowling! All of the kids were so excited! Spencer was is so good at it. I swear he didn't used the bumpers once! My kids loved every minute of it and Max was the winner by far. After bowling it was back to my house for some Pie! Thanksgiving was a lot of fun this year! I am so glad that I got to spend it with my family!

Christmas is just around the corner and we are busy shopping and celebrating! I will try no to take as long to post my next one!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Yes, that's right, I am in love with this man in uniform! After a long day at Cornbelley's I wanted a picture of Max in his uniform to put on the BLOG, only thing is Max was camera shy for some strange reason so he made me get in it with him. Max started his job at the county jail and he is loving it! He will graduate from the Academy this Thursday! I am so proud of Max and I know that this is something that he has always wanted to do. It has just taken him along time to talk me into letting him do it! This is also the first winter that he won't be working outside and he couldn't be happier about that! The boys think that it he is the coolest Dad ever cause he is a cop! We are all so proud of him for all that he has done for us!


For fall break I decided that I wanted to do something fun with my kids. We went up to Cornbelly's and had a BLAST! They had lots of activities for the kids! Stacy and Keli's kids went with us. We also ran into Stephanie and her kids. We had fun! The funniest part was the Monsters Stomach which was like a Haunted House, it was dark and made scary noises! We all went through it the first time and only the boys cried! Kenzie and Syd thought they were so cool cause it wasn't scary to them. So they decided that they wanted to go again and this time it was just them and me and a million other people! They got so scared that we ended up getting out before the end! I don't know why it wasn't scary the first time for them but this time they couldn't wait to get out! I couldn't stop laughing! It was fun to spend time with my kids! They are the best.

Monday, October 6, 2008


So this year I thought it would be fun to sign Max up to coach Mason's soccer team! Little did I know that I would end up doing it all, but I have to admit I have had a lot of fun. This year Mason is on the team with most of his cousins! Mason, Addisyn, Payton, and Zach are all on my team! They have been so fun to coach! Our team name is blue lightning! Mason isn't sure how much he likes to play soccer. I don't know if that is because I am the coach or if he really doesn't like it! He has to make sure that I am close while he plays! He hasn't really let go of me long enough to score a goal or kick the ball but he is getting better! Zach, Addi and Payton on the other hand try to help him come close. They are all really good players! Mason's favorite part of soccer is kicking the ball and maybe the treats at the end. Our last game is tomorrow night! I am kind of sad but glad it will be over. Then maybe my life won't be as CRAZY!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Savanah's Birhtday

Yes i know that Savanah's Birthday was at the end of July but i had to show you how much fun she had.Savanah is fourteen now crazy! I had a Birthday party for her at our house with her friends. It was a lot of fun, Only because I planned the party lol! We went on a scavenger hunt then came home and made pizza. Then we played hide n seek with walky talkies and had root beer floats. It was fun they all seemed to have a good time, I know I did. I love Savanah and am so glad I got to spend time with her and her friends. Her life is so busy we don't see her a whole lot so it was fun!!

Monday, September 15, 2008


I know you don't believe this but I am actually making a new post! I know, school started a month ago but I had to show you my cute kids on the first day of school. Kenzie started the 6 th grade. Crazy but true. She has Mrs. Richards and she is doing good! Sydnee started the 4th grade. Her teacher is Mrs. Hadley! Sydnee loves school as always and is excited for this year! Spencer is in first grade! I can't believe he goes all day. He has Mrs. Trevenon this year and is enjoying school! Mason has a new Preschool this year! Miss Julie has been great! So yes, three days a week I am home all by myself in the mornings! I love every minute of it but I do miss my kids! I am so glad that they are enjoying school this year. They are growing up so fast.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I am so excited for Max. We got news this week that he got the job at the jail that he has wanted for a long time!! He starts the academy on the 28 of this month. We are all excited and I am so proud of him!! This is a job that he is going to love!! Good luck and we love you!!


One of our favorite things to do during the summer is go to the CABIN!!! This year was so much fun!! Of course we have to play 5 crowns and teach the girls how!! Buddy brought his 4 wheelers to ride!! I think that is the kids favorite part!! Mason loves the helmet!! The kids always play on little rock and wave at the cars coming by!! This year we had a little bit of a Drama!! Kenzie came up crying and said that there was a lady down there and she needeed to talk to the parents!! So of course I get up and end up going down there all by myself!! THANKS GUYS!! Anyways the kids were yelling from the rock, " Whats Up Hommie!!" Only this lady thought they said "Whats up Ho!!" After it was explained everything was okay!! I was a little relieved I thought for sure they had thrown a rock at someones car!! But it was the funniest thing that happened all weekend!! Between going to big rock or little rock the best thing is to spend time with the family!!

Kenzie's Adventure!!

Kenzie was old enough this year to go to Shadow Mountain!! I am so proud of her!! She has not wanted to go very far from home lately so we were suprised that she wanted to go!! She was so excited that she got to stay in cabins NOT tents!! The cabin she stayed in was called Maple!! Not to mention she had the best counselor in the world, Grandma Chris, or as they called her Mountain Mama!! She shared a bunk with her bestest friend in the world, Baylee!! Not to far away from Mountain Mama!! Her favorite thing was forrest ninjas!! I guess that is a game that has been played up there for years!! I am so glad that she got to go!! I missed her so much!! Just think next year will be girls camp!! Crazy!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Well softball is now over, We had a lot of fun and I am so proud of my kids!!

Sydnee's team took 3rd place in city league. They got to go to state and played in Salem, they played really well they won 2 and lost 2 and were out. I am so proud of her she loves to play and now wants to learn how to pitch. Now we are looking for someone to teach her she is so excited!!

Kenzie's team also took 3rd place and she also got to go to state she played in Spanish Fork so yes we were back and forth all day long between the two ball fields, I am so proud of her she did such a good job. She has such a good eye for the ball she can always tell a ball from a strike even if it is close she never swings at a bad pitch!! She also won 2 and then lost 2 and was done! She is a good player we didn't think she would play after she got hit in the eye last year but she surprised us all!! And did a great job!!!

Spencer did such a good job with t-ball he had so much fun!! What a cute kid he got a trophy it is his first one and he is so excited about that!!
well I am so proud of all of them. All I can say is they got all of their talent from their dad because I can't hit the ball so, Thank You Dad!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


It was Art City Days again!! We spent most of it at the firestation!! It was so much fun this year!! I took the kids to the carnival and they each got to ride rides!! Mason's favorite was the Dragon Rollar Coaster!! He couldn't stop smiling and laughing!! He can't wait for the one at Lagoon!! The Parade was a lot of fun!! I got to ride the fire truck with the kids!! They loved it as always!! Savanah walked in the Parade with the Cheerleaders!!

Max was in charge of cooking breakfast and Lunch!! He got McKenzie and Sydnee to help pass out drinks! Of course as always he stayed really really busy!! We went to Riley's and watched the fireworks!! It was a really fun weekend!!


Here are some pictures of Sydnee's end of school program, Spencer's Kindergarten Graduation, and Mason's Preschool Gradustion!! They all did so good!! Mason sung his little heart out!! It was so fun to watch!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Family

This is my cute little family!! It's finally summer and our life is crazy!! We are so busy with cheerleading, softball, T-ball and playing with friends!! I wanted to start this to keep in touch with everyone and let everyone know a little bit about what we are up too!!

School is out and the kids did such a great job I am so proud of all of them!! Savanah got straight A's and one A- all year!! She will start ninth grade this fall!! We are glad that Kenzie made it through the year!! I can't believe she will be in the sixth grade!! Sydnee is excited for the fourth grade!! But Syd is always excited for school!! Spencer graduated from Kindergarten!! He will go all day next year!! Thats crazy!! Mason graduated from his first year of Preschool! He will start his second year in the fall!! Max has finished his Fire one and two and started EMT school last month!! I am so proud of him!! But I can't wait for it to be over!!

The kids are already busy for for the first of June!! Savanah, Mckenzie and Sydnee finished their cheer clinic last night!! I will have pictures soon!! Kenzie is playing softball again this year!! We didn't know if she would play because of the softball to the eye last year but she surprised us and is having a good time!! Max is an assistant coach for her team!! Its Sydnee's first year playing softball!! She loves it!! Max is the head coach for her team!! Both teams are named The Spiders!! Spencer started T-ball this year and he loves it!! His team name is The Giants!! He thinks he wins every game its so cute!! Mason isn't quite old enough to play T-ball but he cheers them on with me!! I love watching them play!! I am just glad Max is coaching and not playing!! lol Summer is going to be crazy but fun!!